You are currently viewing Web App Developer, Joshua Davidson, Chop Dawg Show 027

Web App Developer, Joshua Davidson, Chop Dawg Show 027

Web Application Developer

Joshua Davidson, Chop Dawg


Hey Mitchell Here


Thank you so much for joining me on another Listenup Show & the

Mitchell Chadrow Podcast


Where it’s all about startups, entrepreneurs, business owners and those with careers who deep down inside really do want to startup


They all want to be able to balance their business, family and life




Joshua Davidson to this our Show 027


So what will we learn today


People use and need Apps to balance their business, family and life
Joshua is a Web App Developer, & Founder of Chop Dawg


How does Joshua help startups, business owners


Joshua founded Chop Dawg in 2009 when he was just 16.


Super Monkey Ball was one of the most popular apps back in 2009 when Chop Dawg started out as a web design firm by 23 the company now provides entrepreneurs who have mostly non technical backgrounds who need someone with the technicals needed to develop web applications.


They have over 180 startups clients and if I interviewed these clients they would tell me that Joshua is the go-to source for turning their web app ideas into actual products.


How does he do this through a variety of services, like web development, mobile development, user interface design, branding.


Some of our trusted friends in our Listenup audience are non-technical entrepreneurs but they have great ideas that may need crowdsourcing or outsourcing or need to hire a company like Chop Dawg and founders such as yourself


Our listeners want help turning their validated ideas into a reality


Let’s jump right into your personal story so people can get to know Joshua better


Tell us a little bit about your background and how it ties in to how you are helping people today.

He says in the beginning you could either label him either the most technical, non-technical person or flipping it around the most non-technical, technical person. His talent was building things that other people care about.

He recommends to think about issues or problems you are dealing with to think about ideas for a business.

Tell us how you got started in business and what should be done in the first 30 days of business

Our last guest John Richards spoke to us about the importance of failing faster and pivoting early – looking back on your own startup what would you have done the first 30 days to startup better

On sales: Sell to those who want to be sold to. Sell on why my team is the best, educate them

Chop Dawg’s goal is to help entrepreneurs build their product that solve real-life problems, and then help them scale it.


What are the reoccurring themes that you experience as an entrepreneur that you can summarize for the benefit of other aspiring, startups looking for help and resources to either startup, and grow a business or get experience as an intern or find a job.

What do you think are the most common mistakes other startups or entrepreneurs or students interested in business make that delay or prevent their success?

Can you give us some of the essential understandings entrepreneurs/students need to have the proper mindset to deal with the daily challenges they face?

How successful are you? Joshua discusses his revenue, costs, and number of clients. He is even focusing on virtual reality and wearables.


How did you get featured on MSNBC, NBC, Fox, Technically, AOL, Mashable, EliteDaily, Huffington Post, CBS, the Examiner, and the list continues to grow! (And now, Listenup Show!)


You see many startups on the rise in incubators for example, Y Combinator, so when did the light bulb finally go off where you connected all the dots and saw this serious market opportunity to go beyond just doing web design and development for clients.


Was it like clients were just reaching out to you and your team? How did you get the media to cover the company ?


Q: How do you take those idea or concepts and build them for the client – what’s your process? crowd funding through kickstarter or indigo is a quick economical way to validate physical goods and products but how about apps / digital assets


Entrepreneurial education is important yet you decided to drop out of school – after only a short period of time –


Discuss the story of the drummer of Metallica to motivate, inspire.

Josh talks to us about education resources available to the startups entrepreneurs.


What type of revenue were you earning at that time?.


Lightening round is sponsored by


1) Best business advice you would put up on a bill board

2) Next the “audible inspirational book” what one book would you recommend as it relates to business family or life – Joshua names several throughout the podcast: Ben Franklin.

3) App that you use to help you in business, family or life

4) A quote or mantra that you use to inspire and motivate

5) Less than $100 purchase that has impacted your life the most – Joshua recently got a nine week old bull dog.

6) Fun fact about Joshua: Seven time plane jumper and upcoming tattoo to not only motivate but to always stay practical with a purpose.

– – – How did you use social media to build the company ?

—–I hear you have over 699,000 Twitter followers and you following some 200,000 people – thats over the top


—deliver personal responses to each and every one of his loyal “Dawgs.”

7) Worse advice being given to young entrepreneurs today?

8) When you think of the word successful what first name comes to your mind?

9) What one thing Contributes most to your success?

10) What one main process or system in business family or life do you use that has helped you the most?

11) Looking back on all you have done in business family and life are you happy have their been any regrets?


How can you get in contact with Joshua –




Twitter: @dasjoshua


Facebook: @dasjoshua


Linkedin: Joshua Davidson

Chop Dawg Website:
To Listen Up to our last Show with John Richards and get the show notes and resource links.


Additional sponsors for today’s show –



The Sponsors for today’s Listenup Show 027

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Before we say it’s your business it’s your family it’s your life now go out and live it


Lets ListenUp to Joshua as he summarizes his three main points – takeaways that he wants to inspire and motivate us with – Joshua


#1) Persistent

2) Consistent

3) Fortitude



Mitchell Chadrow

Listenup Show - Startups Smarter Mitchell Chadrow talks with startups, entrepreneurs, business owners and others on building startups smarter several times a month! Why Listenup? Whether you’re a student, recent graduate, startup entrepreneur, career professional, an employee in transition or a successful business owner, or recent retiree, I want to help people just like you. I interview successful professionals, business leaders, entrepreneurs and find out the resources, tools, tactics, that they use to execute and implement their own personal and business goals. The guest's personal stories provide a roadmap of actionable and executable steps and a wealth of wisdom to help you achieve your own business, family, and life goals and dreams. These stories also provide solutions, practical advice and tips for everyday problems and issues.Startup now at

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